IAP Logo - Breaks For Good

Discover how your KitKat break is aiding change

IAP Background Desktop - Kids
Youtube KitKat Thumbnail

Helping Kids Into School

We're incentivising school attendance to help many more children kickstart their education.

As we start to use cocoa from the income accelerator programme across our products, you’ll see messaging to highlight this on some of our range from 2023, with the roll out to more products in 2024.

IAP Logo - Breaks For Good

Discover how your KitKat break is aiding change

IAP CTA - More Trees Planted

More Trees Planted

We're training cocoa farmers to prune their trees and plant a wider variety of native species. Happier plants, healthier planet.

IAP CTA - More Sustainably Grown Cocoa

More Sustainably Grown Cocoa

We're incentivising good practices in cocoa farming communities, paid directly into the families' pockets.

IAP CTA - More Money For Cocoa Farming Families

More Money For Cocoa Farming Families

We're supporting our farmers with incentives, which goes directly into their pockets, leading to good practices for them and their communities.

IAP Hero Image - More Power To Women

More Power For Women

We're helping women gain more control over their money, families and communities. And through this, addressing wider gender inequality in Côte d'Ivoire.

IAP Logo - Breaks For Good


Here's where we started, where we're at, and where we're going. Thanks to your Break for Good and many others, there are big changes ahead.


Nestlé establishes the Creating Shared Value approach for doing business.


The Nestle Cocoa Plan is launched.


Nestlé becomes first food company to work with Fair Labour Association (FLA).


Nestlé and the International Cocoa Initiative (ICI) launch the Child Labor Monitoring and Remediation System (CLMRS).


KitKat becomes the first brand at Nestlé to source all its cocoa from the Nestlé Cocoa Plan.


Nestlé action plan for forests launched.


The Income Accelerator Program pilot is launched!


The program is launched and scaled up to 10 000 cocoa-farming families.

IAP Timeline - Kitkat Bar


Educating people on sustainable cocoa through KitKat® breaks...

IAP Icon - More Trees Planted

More trees planted

IAP Icon - Helping Kids In School

Helping kids in school

IAP Icon - Sustainably Sourced Cocoa

Sustainably sourced 

IAP Icon - More Money For Families

More money for cocoa 
farming families


The income accelerator programs expands into Ghana.

Our ambition is to reach 160,000 families with the income accelerator program.
IAP Footer - Woman With Mobile
IAP Footer - Hoe In The Ground
IAP Footer - Farmer And Cocoa Tree
IAP Footer - Child In Classroom